Active Roster

Published Stories
Stories published in 2023
- November 17, 2023, It Takes a Village: The Evolution of a Homegrown Solution to Ocean Plastic Pollution
Stories published in 2020
- June 25, 2020, Triple Pundit, "Is a Climate Pandemic the Future Reality?," comparing societal changes due to the coronavirus pandemic to the changes that might be necesssary to fully address climate change.
NOTE:This article took first place in the San Diego Press Cub’s 2020 Excellence in Journalism Awards in the environmental category for Online and Daily Newspapers. TriplePundit author Carl Nettleton's submissions to the awards program over the last four years have all been winners, including two major awards, two first place category awards for writing about the environment, one second place for business writing, as well as an honorable mention this year for The Nett Report, his bi-weekly newsletter. There were more than 1,100 entries in multiple categories in the 2020 competition, and the submissions were judged by press clubs in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Rochester (New York), Florida, Cleveland, Orange County, Milwaukee, Tulsa, and Alaska.
Stories Published in 2019
- April 17, 2019, Independent Voter Network, "SANDAG Goes Back To The Future: The 2007 Vision For A “Grand Central Station,” An Update on the Lindbergh Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC) Option.
Note: This story won a Best of Show Award in a special Wildcard Catengory: Transportation in the San Diego Press Cub’s 2019 Excellence in Journalism Awards. The second best of show award received in three years.
- September 2019, Qualitative and Quantitative Economics (Q2E): Making Economics into a Science, Chapter 2, pages 28-55, Nova Scien Publishers
Stories Published in 2018
- March 15, 2018, Corporate Responsibility (CR) Magazine/April 6, 2018,Triple Pundit, “Business Innovation Abounds in the San Diego Tijuana Border Region,” a story about how the cities of San Diego and Tijuana have become a hub for innovative approaches to health care, transportation, education, government, manufacturing and workforce development.
Note: This article won a second place in the category of Magazines: Business & Financial n the San Diego Press Cub’s 2018 Excellence in Journalism Awards.
Stories Published in 2017
- June 16, 2017, Huffington Post, “When It Comes to Climate, Here’s the Problem,” a story about social media and trusting the information found on those sites.
- June 16, 2017, Huffington Post, “In Contentious Times, Binational Collaborations Grow in San Diego,” a story about the growth of San Diego and Tijuana’s intertwined economies.
- May 26, 2017, Triple Pundit, “Climate Progress Continues Despite Changes in the Federal Administration,” a story about how state and local efforts will continue to address climate change.
- May 19, 2017, “The Ailes Legacy: A Divisive Formula of Confrontation,” a story about media mogul Roger Ailes’ legacy of divisiveness.
- April 3, 2017, Triple Pundit, “Climate Change Policies and Federal Funding Cuts Could Impact MIlitary, Developing Nations,” a story about the implications of cuts to climate change funding.
- February 15, 2017, Triple Pundit, “Vetting Inaccurate News Stories Might Be Tougher Than predicting the Impacts of Climate Change,” a story about what average citizens have to do to figure out what is accurate about climate change news.
- February 13, 2017, Triple Pundit, “San Diego and Tijuana Share Uncertainty About Border Crackdown,” a story about how San Diego and Tijuana function as a unified border region.
- January 11, 2017, San Diego Union-Tribune, “Stadium Question Should Start with the City’s Needs,” a story analyzing how to address the San Diego Chargers stadium issue.
Stories Published in 2016
- December 22, 2016, Triple Pundit, “How Tucson Uses Rain and Greywater to Keep Local Gardens Lush,” a story about Brad Lancaster and his work to transform Tucson’s landscapes.
- December 12, 2016, Triple Pundit, “In Los Angeles, A New Approach to Marine Science,” a story about how AltaSea is creating collaborations around marine science.
- December 9, 2016, Triple Pundit, “Despite Trump’s Carrier Deal, US Manufacturing Jobs Remain at Risk,” a story about the complex interactions between jobs in the U.S. and Mexico.
- November 30, 2016, Triple Pundit, “Excess Carbon Emissions Are a Failure of Design,” a story about William McDonough’s view that carbon isn’t bad, just in the wrong places.
- November 28, 2016, Triple Pundit, “Emissions from Coal Flatten But Don’t Reflect Planned Increases in Use,” a story about the projected increase in coal use by a number of countries even while they seek to meet emission goals.
- November 14, 2016, Triple Pundit, “Volcom’s Sustainability Initiative Turns Fishing Nets into Bikinis,” a story about Volcom’s sustainability initiatives.
- November 2, 2016, Huffington Post, “The Uncivil War Where Politics Count More Than Country,” a story about how people have common interests but politics don’t reflect that commonality. Also published in IVN.
- November 1, 2016, Triple Pundit, “The Rise of Water and Energy Self-Sufficiency,” a story about the trend to view energy as a capital cost rather than a commodity cost.
- October 31, 2016, Triple Pundit, “California’s Climate Change Leadership Created 500,000 Jobs,” a story about the success of climate regulations in creating new jobs and economic growth.
- October 13, 2016, Huffington Post, “Tremors in the Campaigns Point to Breakup of the Two Big Parties,” a story about divisions in the Democratic and Republican parties that indicate fracturing of those parties is a possibility. Also published in IVN.
- September 27, 2016, Huffington Post, “In the Presidential Debates, It’s All About Microphone Control,” a story about the unwillingness of presidential debate moderators to control the dialogue.
- September 23, 2016, Huffington Post, “A Call for Adult Civility in the First Presidential Debate,” a story calling for the presidential candidates to be respectful and discuss issues not personalities.
- August 9, 2016, Huffington Post, “San Diego a Leader in Phones, Drones and Genomes: the TPP and Jobs of the Future,” a look at the importance of international trade to San Diego.
- July 26, 2016, Fortune, “What the U.S. Presidential Candidates Are Missing in the Immigration Debate,” examines the role that climate change and drought will play in civil unrest and the development of factions like ISIS using the Syrian drought and conflict as an example.
Note: This article won a Best of Show Award in the San Diego Press Club's 2017 Excellence in Journalism Award for “Best Magazine Entry" among all 32 categoris of magazine writing. The story also took a first place in the Magazines: Environment category.
- June 11, 2016, Huffington Post, “In the Move to Robot Vehicles, the Enemy Is Us,” a story about the integration of automated vehicles using the road infrastructure if vehicles driven by people were eliminated.
- May 28, 2016, Huffington Post, “New Binational Research Institute Represents the Future for U.S. Mexico Relations,” a story about the human side of the opening of the new Cali-Baja Center for Resilient Materials and Systems at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
- May 16, 2016, Huffington Post, “Could the U.S. Become a Multi-Party Nation? Emerging Factions and the Electoral College,” the U.S. political system has always been dominated by two political parties, however, this year both the Democrats and Republicans have evolved into factions that could be imagined as new political parties.
- April 30, 2016, Huffington Post, “Presidential Campaigns Make U.S./Mexico Benefits Invisible,” a story about the lack of visibility of cross border trade and culture during the presidential campaigns.
- April 23, 2016, Huffington Post, “Leaving ‘The Rock,’” story that asks if we are willing to move to a clean energy future metaphorically linked to my days as a UPS truck washer.
- March 25, 2016, Huffington Post, “A Kettle of Hawks and the Pundits Circled,” a story relating the annual migration of Swainson’s hawks with the 2016 presidential campaign.
- March 16, 2016, Huffington Post, “The Greatest Debate, the Best Presidential Debate,” a professional faciltator’s view of the 2016 presidential campaign.
- February 29, 2016, Independent Voter Network, “Where in the “West Are the Presidential Candidates?” a story about the lack of presidential candidates from the West and the lack of coverage of those that are.
Selected Stories Published Prior to 2016
- May 15, 2013, Air2Air Magazine, “Boosting Clean Tech Development and Implementation a story about funding via Proposition 39 (2012) and carbon cap and trade auctions.
- April 29, 2013, first published in San Diego Business Journal (paywall), republished in OpenOceans Global Blog: “The Ocean San Diego's Greatest Asset,” a story about the importance of the ocean to the San Diego region.
- January 15, 2012, Air2Air Magazine, “The Dynamics of San Diego’s Water Supply,” a story about water in the San Diego region.
- November 15, 2012, Air2Air Magazine, “Getting the Words Out of the Way, a story about facilitation strategies.
- October 20, 2012 – Air2Air Magazine, “From Foreign Oil to BioFuels,” a story about the military’s priority on developing alternative fuels and the dialogue at an E2 event.
- September 2012 – Air2Air Magazine, “Paradise in Progress,” a story about coordinating construction in downtown San Diego.
- Februry 11, 2012 - Hydro Magazine, "From Fear to Hope - A Human Genome Project for the Ocean," a story about the need to coordinate ocean data gathering and visualization.